The queer club night Mums Against Donk has acquired a dedicated following since debuting last year. With its bouncy silly music and eclectic community, it’s a colourful addition to the London nightlife. The sight of amazingly creative looks is guaranteed on the night - their dancefloor is filled with people dressed in everything from ball gowns to fur suits, all moving to the tunes of donk and happy hardcore.
“The world is so dreadful. We're constantly hearing about all these horrible things happening, and it's all doom and gloom. But the whole point of this getting started is to forget about all that for a minute. Just keeping things silly, keeping people distracted from the reality of the world just for a few hours. Come and join the clowns, we will make you laugh,” founder and DJ Alterum says.
We brought a camera to their latest (MILF Money-themed) club night at Venue MOT and passed it around in the crowd, letting the attendees take photos of themselves and their friends as a way for them to document the vibrancy and creativity of their community from the inside.